Home Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

by Team errands.ng

We are really keen on connecting people who are ready to work with people who need work done. As errands.ng® keeps growing, it’s important that the community follows guidelines that reflect our values and standards. We work hard to enforce these guidelines so that we can maintain our integrity and transparency, so that everyone has an enjoyable experience.

errands.ng® is here to help facilitate a reliable, safe and successful environment and is here to help resolve issues if they arise. In return, we ask for your cooperation and timely response to the errands.ng® team. If you suspect a member has violated any Community Guidelines, please report it to errands.ng® as soon as possible. This document will continue to change as we grow and we will continue to think about what’s best for our community.


errands.ng® marketplace helps you get more done and create a safe, respectful and rewarding environment for our users. We encourage our users to follow the below guidelines for all parties to have a great experience.


  • Errands must be legal
  • Prohibited items may not be listed
  • Clear scope, time and budget required
  • No escort or adult services
  • Errand based post only
  • No advertisement

1. Subcontracting

When you accept a Tasker’s offer on your errand, they must be the one who completes the errand. If someone else comes to complete it, or if the Tasker bring someone to help, this is known as subcontracting and not supported on the errands.ng platform.

2. Publicly sharing private information

To maintain the integrity of errands.ng, our members can only share private contact information once an offer has been accepted via private messages (instant messaging).

3. Unacceptable behaviours

The community is at the heart of what we do in errands.ng. Courtesy, mutual respect and seeing things from another person’s perspective is essential. At errands.ng, we do not tolerate the following negative behaviours, any of which will result in your content being removed and or your service being suspended:

  • Hatred or violence
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Illegal behaviours
  • Trolling

3. Pricing and payments

To ensure a safe and rewarding environment for all members of the errands.ng community, it’s important to understand how pricing and payments work.

3.1 No commission based pricing

Sales and commission based errands are not permitted and will be moderated and or removed. Any offers made on your errand should be for the full scope of the errands. When you accept an offer that is the final amount that you’re obligated to pay and there are no additional fees.

3.2 Payment option

Cash payments are not supported on errands.ng platform. When an offer is posted, you will need to pay in full into an escrow account before the task is published on the frontend. The fund is held until the errand is completed.

3.3 Payment with VISA or Mastercard

All errands must be remunerated via credit or debit Mastercard or VISA card. Cash or cash equivalent payments are not supported.

4. User eligibility

We know you’re eager to get started on errands.ng, but we need you to make sure you are qualify.

4.1 18 years or older

All users of the errands.ng community must be 18 years or older. This is a legal requirement as people under the age of 18 are not able to enter a legal contract with errands.ng. We reserve the right to request proof of age if need be.